[MUSIC PLAYING] In this lesson, we're going to look at product education emails. Not the most exciting name, I know, but trust me, they're actually cool. They're an incredibly useful email automation to your customers experience and engagement with your product, the key for building brand trust. Education emails aim to help your customers get the most out of their new purchase. It can be by giving instructions on how to use the product, like in an example here from Allergy Buyers Club or it can also be by providing additional tips on how to use your products, like keeping it clean, storing it, et cetera.
You can set up educational email series at either an individual product or product category level. If you only sell a few products, then creating an educational series for every product is the way to go. The more products you sell, however, the more impractical this becomes. So you're better off setting up a series for each category of products. For example, say you're selling art and you have various product categories set up for framed prints, sculptures, ceramics, et cetera.
When someone purchases a framed print, you could have an educational series set up for purchases that cover this category for tips on how to hang prints, tips for taking care of the prints, et cetera. You might then want to recommend some complementary products like polishes to keep the frame clean. This is a great way to generate repeat purchases. Let's take a look at a real educational email to see what one looks like in action.
Harry sells high quality men's razors and personal care products. This is one of the educational series emails. Instead of just providing tips on how to use the product, they've taken things a step further by asking a question here. Depending on their customers' answer, they then link them to a relevant blog article that explores the importance of their products and funnels people to make additional purchases.
This is just one of their educational emails. Based on their product line, they could easily include emails that provide tips on minimizing issues like acne, or razor burn as well. And, at the end, they could then include product recommendations to treat these conditions like cleanses or moisturizers. They could even include more product-specific education tips, like how to keep your razor clean for customers who have bought one.
Regardless of what you sell, you'll be surprised at the range of opportunities to provide tips and further information to your customers. You care about your brand and your products, now it's your turn to build the product knowledge and passion in your customers by setting them up with engaging educational emails. It's up to you whether you set them up for individual products or product categories.
Whichever way you go, you'll only want to automate these emails to send the first time someone makes the purchase. You don't want the same series sending every time someone purchases something from the same category. If you sell a lot of different products, don't worry about setting up tons of different educational series right away either. Just start with your best selling products or product categories and gradually work your way through setting up more at your own pace.
In the next lesson, we're going to look at another high-impact post-purchase email, social sharing mails. [MUSIC PLAYING]