[MUSIC PLAYING] Well, if you think that emails are dead, then think again. Emails are still a super powerful tool that allow you to reach the customer directly. After the customer purchase from you, you have the possibility to email them with extra details, related product, or other offers along the way. For example, you can email your customers that purchase from you after 30 days with a special offer only for them.
Or if they purchase more than three times, you can select this customer group and send them a special discount, for example, 50%, 30%, or 40%. But since the customer already bought from you, they are more likely to purchase from you in the future as well. For this reason, you should implement the right automation to remind them about the product they might be interested in or future exclusive deals.
The beauty of this is that it costs zero except, of course, for the software itself. The same thing goes for SMS. Of course, you should always respect the inbox and never spam, but with a creative way to send the right text to them and send them interesting offers, you can get them to come back to your site and make the purchase. [MUSIC PLAYING]