Resilient Retail is here: Shopify’s new podcast for the future of retail

resilient retail podcast

If you were lucky enough to attend our virtual event series, you already know what Resilient Retail is all about. 

2020 has been a challenge for the retail industry, and Resilient Retail is here to tell the stories that are taking us through the pandemic and beyond. The insights and inspiration. The trials and triumphs. We’re covering it all.

But this time around, Resilient Retail isn’t a virtual event series.

Resilient Retail is now a full-fledged podcast. And it’s available to stream—everywhere—right this minute.

We’ll be dropping new episodes twice-a-week on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and wherever else you get your podcasts, so be sure to subscribe and stay ready for fresh, hard-hitting content every week.

Each episode will feature deep dive interviews with the retail industry’s top experts and all of your favourite retailers like Lively, Beardbrand, Coco and Breezy, and so many more.


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Here’s a quick preview of what we have in store for you.

Recently I got to sit down with Harley Finkelstein, Shopify’s President, to record one of our debut episodes of Resilient Retail; this interview was incredible, and Harley’s unique insight into how retailers have been navigating COVID19 was fascinating—especially around how the pandemic has pulled the year 2030 right into 2020. 


And with New York City’s Coco and Breezy, we got into a huge range of topics. Here’s where we discussed the difference between making a product and making a brand. A key lesson for any direct-to-consumer retailer.


This last clip is from when I spoke with Michelle Cordeiro Grant, owner of Lively, and is a golden piece of advice for any business owner making their way through a pandemic economy. Michelle shared the importance of playing the long game in retail. How the focus for retailers needs to not just be on acquisition, but retention instead. 


When we say that Resilient Retail is a podcast for the future of retail, we mean it—and we’re so excited to have you all along on this journey with us.

Stay resilient, friends.


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