[MUSIC PLAYING] Everything about being successful in business is about your relationships. You can't have a conversation, even if it's over the phone, if secretly you're supposed to be talking to someone and you're working on email, you're doing social. They will feel that disconnection. And the disintegration of those relationships are going to have a negative impact on your business whether you like it or not.
And if you keep trying to split your focus, which is really, if you break that down, it's just you are toggling between tasks back and forth. You're cutting yourself off at the knees. You're not giving yourself the chance to be as brilliant, and productive, and creative as you could possibly be. So it's just in everyone's best interest to get that presence down and to really strengthen your in the moment muscles.
I think you have to be a lot more digitally savvy. I think you also have to train yourself to focus more. There are so many different platforms that you could be on. There so many different ways that you can market and reach your customers. And a lot of people starting out, I think, try and take on too much too soon. They try and be everywhere at once. And they don't necessarily have the time, or the resources, or the expertise to do everything excellently, so they wind up burning out.
So I think, for example, when it comes to social media, choosing one channel or choosing two channels that you really feel leverage your strengths as an entrepreneur and also is a place where you can reach your ideal customers, that's going to be a lot smarter of a strategy than trying to be on seven or eight platforms constantly creating great, compelling content, and then also doing what you need to do to run your business and fulfill your products and your services.
So I think focusing now is probably one of the things that people need to train themselves to do, and to eliminate distractions so they can stay on their own path. In our world, there's tons of shiny objects, right? And there's always someone out there tempting you. You should be doing this. You should be starting your own show. You should be doing video content. You should be doing more photo content. You should be doing influencer marketing. You should be doing podcasting.
I mean, the opportunities to reach people are limitless. And unless you have your own compass and your own vision of what's not only important for you as a business but what your strengths are, you can wind up spreading yourself way too thin, getting burnt out, and then it takes your whole business out when that didn't have to be your path. [MUSIC PLAYING]