[MUSIC PLAYING] Adding products to our store is as simple as clicking Add To Import List with an [? order ?] supply or by using the Chrome extension on AliExpress and clicking the blue icon that appears to the bottom right of product pages. After doing this, price are added to our import list where we can edit things like the product name, description before publishing it on our store. After doing this, products are added to our import list, or we can edit things like the product name and description before publishing it on our store.
Within our import list, we can see the products we can push to our store and begin selling immediately. Before we do that, let's go through each of the options and things we might want to change before publishing these products. First, on the product, we can change the name, assign the product to a collection, and add tags to better organize many products within our store. I highly recommend changing the name of the product. You often see that import products have long keyword stuff names.
Keep it short and sweet. Next, we have description. Here's where we can edit the description of the product before publishing it on our store. This is a must change. I highly recommend not using the imported description. First, they're poorly written. And second, it might be duplicate content from another store. Your best bet is to use the imported information as a reference and write a nice description of the product that will make your customers actually want to buy it.
Next, we have a variance. Here we can choose which variance we want or don't want to import, set prices, as well as rename the variance we're importing. Variance might be different colors, sizes, or styles your product comes in. As a side note, if you feel necessary, [INAUDIBLE] will let you split products with multiple variance into separate products, so clicking Action beside Push The Shop will reveal the option Split Product.
You will want to ensure you rename variance here as sometimes colors might be labeled as numbers. Also, you might want to set a healthy price for your product. We'll talk about pricing and my philosophy later. Lastly, we have images. Here we can select or deselect the images we want to import into our store. Try to find products that have images of the product being used or an action.
Also ensure products that are imported don't have watermarks on them. Now that we've gone through each of the options before publishing imported products, we can click Push To Shop, and the product will appear published within Shopify. We can always edit our products here if we decide to make any changes in the future. So now feel free to take a look at how the published product looks on our store. You're now ready to sell this product.
So now we're going to optimize our store for success. I'll see you in the next lesson. [MUSIC PLAYING]