[MUSIC PLAYING] Facebook marketing is the number one tool I recommend for building your online business. So many people are intimidated and over-complicate Facebook marketing, though it's one of the simplest ways to get bulls-eye targeted ads directly in front of your buyers' faces and for implementing my $5-a-day strategy. Let's get back to the screen share and I'm going to show you exactly what to do. Let's get you set up.
The first step is to set up your business manager. We've included a PDF with a step-by-step guide in the Downloads. Set it up and then come back to this video and we'll set up your $5 ad framework together. OK, so now that you've most likely got your business manager set up, what we're going to do is we are inside of my ad account right now.
We're going to go in, and we're going to set up my $5 ad framework. This is the strategy that I used to go in and test products and really try to get a good idea of what's working without risking a lot of money. So the first thing that we're going to look at is the ad that we're going to build-- the product that we're going to build an ad with. So I'm just going to jump over here to my Shopify store. And what I would like to do is I would like to build a Facebook ad using my $5 framework for this pillow cover right here.
So $12.95, they are low-ticket print-on-demand item, and it's a very simple product to advertise. So it's a niche product, and everything about this is perfect for what we're doing here. So let's go ahead. Let's jump back over to Facebook. And what we want to do is come up here to the top right. There's a little green button here that says Create an ad. So this is how we get started setting up a Facebook ad for this pillow cover.
All right, once we click that button, it's going to ask us what our main objective is for our Facebook ad. So this is where a lot of people get confused. I know certainly my students, when they come to me, they're like, oh, my gosh, Adrian, what do I do? Send traffic? Get engagement? Do I want to get store visits or conversions? Well, I always say, it's common sense. I mean, our goal is to get conversions.
It is to generate sales. So when Facebook says what is your objective, I'm going to say it's conversions. So let's go ahead and click on Conversions. And there's a lot of very detailed stuff we could go over. I teach my students how to go in and do Facebook ads, various different ways, and optimize. It's important to note in this particular video, I'm going to keep it basic.
I'm going to show you exactly how to get started so you can launch your first ad. So now Facebook is going to ask us to name our campaign. So I'm just going to come right here, and I'm going to type in-- this is going to be our pit bull pillow set. OK, now that I've typed that in, it's going to ask us what our campaign goal is. Now, this is where you select if you want to get purchases. Do you want to get people to just add products to the shopping cart?
I always recommend to my students to just simply click on Purchases. All right, so let's go ahead and let's click Continue. Now, this step-- and I'm going to zoom out just a little bit here so it's not so cluttered. This step is where we name our ad set, and we really start dialing in our targeted audience. So ad set name, you can come up here and type in anything you want.
So I'll usually just say pit bull-- so Pit bull Pillow Set or pillow covers or whatever. That's for your eyes only. Then they're going to come down here and say, what would you like to optimize toward? Kind of redundant. I'm going to go ahead, and I'm going to select Purchase in this drop-down menu. I teach all of my students to try to get Facebook to optimize your ads for sales.
That means that they will actually go in, and they will try to find customers that are more likely to purchase a product and spend money based off of previous data. If you're brand's spanking new, then you're not going to have any data. So it takes a little while for this to really kick in. And, once again, that's something that I dive into in more advanced training with my students.
So anyways, let's go ahead and click on Purchase. All right, so I just selected Purchase right there. So now we're telling Facebook our main objective is to optimize towards sales. Now, as we scroll down, there's a lot of stuff in Facebook. And, like I said, people, they over-complicate it. It's actually very, very simple to get started with a $5 per day Facebook ad and just get your ad out there and start testing it and try to generate some sales.
So we don't have any custom audiences. That's something that we're not going to deal with right now. You can choose what location you want to target your ad toward. So if you want to just target people in the United States, fantastic. If you want to target people in Canada, UK, New Zealand, you type in any country, and you can target that country in Facebook. And over here to the right, keep an eye on your potential reach because you'll see this start to change as you start dialing in your ad.
Now, I would advise that you do a different ad to different countries if you're doing worldwide marketing. So that way, you can identify where are your profitable sales coming from-- United States, Canada, New Zealand. So you might create a different ad for different countries. That's just what I tell my advanced students to do. I wanted to go ahead fill that tip in here for you because it will help you identify where the money is being made once you start generating sales.
Now we can identify our age group that we want to target. So depending on what product you're marketing, you might have a specific demographic. So if you're doing like anti-aging cream beauty type product, then you might be targeting a different demo than 18-year-olds. And I think for the niche that we're targeting right now, which is just dog owners, 18-plus-years-old, it's perfectly fine.
But that's all going to be dependent on what you're marketing. And I definitely use this feature here and dial in my audiences when it's necessary because this is imperative to making sure your ad is optimized. Then you got gender. So you can target all genders or men versus women. Once again, it depends on what you're marketing.
Some products are more geared towards men. Some are more geared toward women. As a matter of fact, another thing that I've always taught my students is, oftentimes, even if it is a product more geared toward men, if you advertise to women, they will buy it, and vice versa because maybe they like the item or they're buying it as a gift for somebody they know. So just keep that in mind. Languages, I usually ignore this, but you can target people that speak specific languages.
And then you've got my favorite part, which is detailed targeting. So you can start identifying demographics and interest and behaviors that you would like Facebook to look at when they're displaying your ad. So we're targeting a pillow cover that says, "I love My Pit bull." So what I want to do is I just want to come over here, and I want to type in "pit bull." And, of course, you got to remember, there is a music artist that goes by "Pitbull," so you don't want to target him necessarily.
You want to target people interested in the dog. So when you're going in and you're doing your targeting, make sure that you're very specific on what your goal is. So look, there's eight million people in the United States of America that identify with pit bulls. American pit bull terriers, 8 million people. Then you've got pit bulls, 5.2 million people. Then you've got all of these other keywords like "Wallace, the Pit Bull," "The unexpected pit bull." These are very precise interests.
I mean, look at this, "pit bull rescue." Who do you think is going to be more likely to purchase this item that we're marketing? So what we do is I teach my students to come in here and select the more precise keywords when they're starting out. And my training, eCom Success Academy, that's an advanced training I put out.
I actually go through four phases of this. But we're just getting started, so I'm just going to show you the beginning stages of this. So that would be to come in here and get some of these more precise keywords like "Pit Bull Chat." All right, so now we got 375,000 people that we're hitting. The cool thing about this is once you identify a precise keyword, if you hit Suggestions, now Facebook knows what you're looking for, so they're going to help you identify more keywords.
So you would really want to go through this list and choose the keywords that you believe people that are super passionate about your product or your niche would fall under, like "Pit Bull Is My Family." Of course, you're going to buy a pillow that says "I Love My Pit Bull" if you identify with the keyword like "Pit Bull Is My Family." I mean, there's a high affinity for the love of what we are selling here.
So it all depends on the product that you're marketing. You want to go through. And I could spend hours right here going through keywords. Don't get caught up forever right here. Just choose some and then you can always come back and optimize. But there's a lot you can do here, so very, very cool. The next thing is you want to uncheck this "Expand interests when it may increase conversions." In the beginning, just get rid of that because you want to stick to the keywords in the targeting that you've identified.
And right now we've got 610,000 people were marketing to. That's a fairly large audience to start with. I'm sure you would agree. All right, now the next step down here is to choose your placement. A lot of people here-- I'm zooming in and out so you can see things more clearly. A lot of people here, they skip this section. Big mistake if you skip this section. I know the point of this is to show you my $5 ad framework, but I want to deliver as much value to you as I possibly can.
And having taught insane amounts of students all over the world Facebook ads and Shopify, I want to make sure that I point out the stuff that I know people skip over that's super important. You do not want to necessarily go with the recommended placements because there's a lot of places Facebook could show your ad. You want to come here and hit Edit placements. And I'm going to tell you which ones that I believe, in my experience, are the best ones to get started.
As you'll see now, you can be like, oh, my gosh, look at all of these options. Don't get overwhelmed. It's OK. All you have to do is get started with what has been widely perceived to be the better converting placements on Facebook. So get rid of instant articles and get rid of Instagram. Instagram is a great traffic source.
But getting started, you really want to hone in on a specific place just to see if your product is going to convert while your testing is $5 budget. Get rid of Audience Network. Get rid of Messenger That means, now, your ad, legit, is only going to be showing in the Facebook newsfeed. In the Facebook newsfeed and on the Facebook right column, these are the prime pieces of real estate on Facebook.
You can worry about all of these other options later. Your goal right now is to test your ad with a $5 per day budget and put it in the places you believe that has the highest probability of converting. This is a big, big deal right here, so I hope you took notes on that. All right, now when we scroll down here, Facebook allows us to set what's called a daily budget. Most people think that when you go do Facebook marketing, to get started, you got to spend hundreds of dollars or even thousands of dollars, but that's not true.
I, personally, when I first started out, I didn't have a lot of money. I wasn't rich. I wasn't a successful marketer and entrepreneur. I worked at a car wash, and I worked at Best Buy when I first got started doing all of this. I made minimum wage, which back then was $5 an hour or somewhere around there. So I had this idea, why don't I just try $5 a day?
Like that's what I can afford. And, I mean, we'll see what happens. So what I do is I just put $5 in right here. And the idea here is you let it-- it's not like you're going to make money off $5 in one day. The idea is to limit your risk and to run this ad for three to four days. So really what you're doing is you're spending three to four-- I'm sorry.
You're spending about $15 to $20 over a period of time. And every day that your Facebook ad is running, Facebook is optimizing. It's trying harder and harder and faster to find buyers for you or potential buyers for you. The more data your Facebook ad gets, the more intelligent it becomes. So you want to let it run for a couple of days, but you also want to limit your risk.
So a lot of people will say, Adrian, that's not possible. You can't possibly make any money on $5. Well, I beg to differ. In my experience, I've had $5-a-day campaigns get started, and I've seen sales. Now, nothing's guaranteed I've got to disclaim that. But this is how I got started, and it's how so many other people get started as well. And I've told people all over the world how to get started using this $5-a-day framework.
So $5 is what I always recommend. And you're not just looking for sales here. You're also going to be looking for engagement-- just getting your ad out there. Are people liking your ad? Are they sharing it? Are they commenting and tagging their friends? This lets you get your ad out there and helps you identify if the ad's even going to do good. Because if nobody's liking your ad, if nobody's commenting on it or sharing it, that means your product probably isn't resonating with your audience.
So this is how you limit your risk, and I call it slow-cooking your ad. So put in $5 here. Now we're going to hit Continue. Now, on this step right here, what we're going to do is we are going to build the ad. We've identified our targeting like it does basic, basic level. There's a zillion more keywords we could put in for our niche, but I just want to show you how to walk through to create the ad and show you how simple it really can be.
You've got to have a Facebook page attached to your advertisements. If you haven't made a Facebook page yet, just click this plus sign right here and you can create a page called like whatever your store name is, your business name is, your Shopify store is called. You could make a niche page. Like in this case, I could do a page for pit bull lovers or dog parents. It's free to have a fan page, and Facebook makes it very easy to create them.
By default, it has my personal brands, Adrian Morrison fan page right here, selected. I wouldn't want to use that, but it doesn't matter for this example. This is like a sample account, so I don't have any other fan pages in here but my own personal brand. Instagram, you can add that there as well. Then you've got format.
So the format is what type of ad do you want to create. With this $5 framework, I really like to do single-image ads because these are basic ads. It allows you to show an image of your product and just really get a really good view of what it is that you're advertising in the consumer's eyes. So I would recommend starting with a static image, a single image ad.
These work very, very nicely. You know what, as a matter of fact, let me just scroll up here. I'm going to change the fan page real quick because I do remember I created a test fan page. It might look kind of weird [CHUCKLES] if we're advertising from my Adrian Morrison fan page. Give me a second. OK, here we are. I just selected a life test page. Whatever your profile photo is on your fan page will show up there.
I don't have a picture in this one. Anyways, we're going to scroll down. Let's get started building the ad. The next step is going to be to add in our image. So we want to put a picture of our product in here. So we jump back over to our Shopify store. You'll see that I have a couple of different variants of this pillow. I've got a pink one, a blue one, a black one, a white one. And not everybody is going to like white.
Not everybody is going to like blue. So I want to be able to show people the different variants. So what I did is-- let's jump back over to Facebook. So what I did is I went ahead, and I just created a very simple little graphic that I'm going to upload that allows me to display all of the colors, or at least a couple of the colors, in a single image. So I'm just going to go ahead and click on Upload an image, and I'm going to pull a picture from my computer.
All right, it's uploading now. I paused for a second while I found the image. And now you can see that our ad is really starting to come together. We've got our image down here so you can see exactly what it looks like. So this is just a very simple image that I have made for these pillows. It shows them in different colors. It says, "On sale now." Remember, when you're using this $5 ad strategy, you want to make sure that you have an ad that is very clear.
They can see the product, and you're telling them that there is a deal that's on sale. You're giving them something special for stopping what they're doing clicking on this and going to your site and shopping. So the next thing you want to do is you want to put in your website URL. So let's jump over to my Shopify store right here. I'm going to go up to the top menu bar.
I don't know if you could see it in this video because I had it cropped out, but I'm going to go ahead and copy that real fast. And then we're going to jump back over here to Facebook ads, and I'm going to paste it right here. All right, now that's not the website we're going to use. That's a charity that I own. OK, so we've got our Shopify store in here, so barkshopstore.com. Products are pit bull pillows right here.
So now the ad is going to link to the product. And, of course, we're not going to set up it from messages. We want to send people directly to our website. That being said, now what we can do is we can preview what it will look like on a desktop computer. So this is what it will look like on a desktop computer, and this is what it's going to look like in the right-hand column. And this is what it's going to look like in mobile newsfeed.
From my experience, on our store, which has done a massive amount of sales-- we've done, I believe, over 170,000 sales on our Shopify store-- most of the traffic comes in from mobile. So you want to make sure that your mobile ad looks really good. So I usually edit my ad looking at the mobile view. And now you've got the option to put in a headline and a body.
You want to make sure these count. So I might put something in here like "PERFECT FOR PIT BULL MOMS," or you could say pit bull parents or you could say pit bull dads, whatever works. And you notice here on the preview, it goes to double lines, whereas over here on the desktop newsfeed, it all fits on one. So just be aware of that as you're doing this because with a $5 strategy.
You want to make sure that your ad is top tier, is looking good. So you could say "PERFECT FOR PIT BULL MOMS." And then in your text, I usually say something like, "OMG!"-- I like to hype it up a little bit-- "pit bull parents are going crazy over these super cute pillows.
Multiple colors available." You want to spell everything correctly. "Check them out now before we sell out." So you want to keep it short. Don't write a novel. But what we're doing here is we're getting people's attention with "Oh, my gosh." We're saying "pit bull parent," so we're calling out the niche right here.
We're building up a little bit of hype. We're telling people there's multiple options available. And we're creating a little bit of a scarcity by saying "before we sell out." So this is just basic copy. There's a zillion different ways you could say this stuff. And that's not something we're going to focus on in this training. This is not a copywriting module. This is just so I could show you how I set up a standard basic $5-per-day Facebook ad.
I like to use the button over here that says "Shop Now" because we want people to know they can buy it right now. And, I mean, listen, this is so basic right here. It's crazy. You scroll down. You can put some additional information in if you'd like to. I typically just leave that blank. There's really not that much to say. You either want the pillows or you don't. And if you're wondering if you should put the price in here, I would say no.
If they want to know, if they really want it, they'll click on the image to see how much it is. And then you get the click and that's registered, and Facebook starts learning who's clicking on your ads. So you want to get as many clicks as you can. Then down here, you want to go in and you want to say, I want to confirm my ad. Now, it says your ad may reach less people because there's text in the image.
Don't worry too much about that. This is totally fine because these are products. So if text is on a product. Facebook will realize that, and it's totally fine. But that's it. We've set our ad up. Everything on here looks solid. Our ad looks really good. All we have to do is come down here and hit Confirm and submit the ad and wait for Facebook to approve it. And as long as you're abiding by their policy and their guidelines and everything, which this ad is, then you're good to go.
You can come back later and edit this, but really what you want to do is you want to let this run for a good three to four days. And if you do not see sales after three to four days, kill it. Do not become emotionally attached to your Facebook ads. That's one of the quickest ways to lose big. You do want to do that. You need to be kind of ruthless with this $5-a-day strategy. We're looking for sales.
Well, you're looking for sales off in the first four days. And if we can't get sales off of 20 bucks, especially on a very low ticket product like this, then we want to move on to something else because why try to force something to work when you could test other products, especially if you're doing dropshipping and you have a lot of different options? You can just test products and find something that just simply fits.
Now, does this $5 framework that I've just shown you apply to pretty much any e-commerce business? Yeah, I think so. But there's always different strategies. There's a zillion ways to do things right. But remember, I started my $5 framework strategy because I didn't have a lot of money. I couldn't risk a lot of money.
I just wanted to get my ad out there, and I wanted to see if it got engaged. I wanted to see if people liked it and shared it and commented on it and all that good stuff, and that would tell me that I'm on to something. And even if I don't get any sales, I can go tweak things a little bit, like I can go back to my targeting and maybe add in some more keywords or something and then try it again. You just don't want to let it sit there for two weeks and not generate sales.
You either want to see massive engagement, like a lot of likes and shares, and if you see that, you can let it keep going. You want to see some sales. And as you see sales come in, guess what you do? You scale it up. You increase your daily budget. As you earn money, you want to invest more money so you can earn more money. And this is perfect for beginners because it gives you a way to get started without breaking the bank, without being scared of losing a lot of money, and it allows you to see if your product resonates with your audience.
And I think that's what's important. And it also gives Facebook some time, three to four days, to look at your audience and see who's clicking your ad, who's sharing your ad. Because remember, we're optimizing our ad for conversions. Facebook looks at all of that stuff that they watch it 24/7-- all day every day. And as people click and interact with your ad, Facebook attempts to share your ad, or basically display your ad, to people that are more likely to buy.
So if you kill your on day one, you're probably selling yourself short, in many cases. You give it a couple of days to optimize. You get it out there with a small budget. It gives you the opportunity to see if you're on the right path. And, like I said, I personally have been doing this for a long time. I've been able to see sales off of $5-per-day ads. Nothing in life is guaranteed.
But if you want to get started and you would like to try this strategy, all you have to do is follow the video just like I did right here, just like I showed you right here. And you can get started duplicating the exact same strategy that I've been using now for a long time. I've been doing Facebook since it first came out. So the very simple strategy, you just got to make sure your keywords are on point, your creative is on point, and you got to follow these steps and deploy your ad.
All right, now that your ad is live, you've got to validate your product. Now, there's two ways you can validate the product. Number one is, well, you generate a sale. That's important, right? The second way to validate is to go in and look at the buzz you're generating. I mean, is your ad getting comments? Is it getting likes? Is it getting shares? Are people tagging their friends in the comments? I mean, that's crazy viral traffic if they're doing that.
Make sure that you run it for three days on a $5-a-day budget, and you're optimizing for conversions. All right, so do all of this, and that's how you validate your product.