ADRIAN MORRISON: All right, everyone. I am excited, and I hope you are, too. Once again, this is Adrian Morrison, and this is one of the favorite things for me to teach to my students. I've had students from all over the world, and print-on-demand is just so fun. And actually going in and seeing how simple it is to set products live on your store and have them for sale right away is mind-blowing and exciting at the same time.
So we have our three recommended apps. Once again, there's various fulfillment apps. You can go find the ones that you like. These are the three we're using as examples and that I like. And we're going to go through each one-- Pillow Profits, Printful, teelaunch-- and we're going to add a product in each just so you can get a feel for how each app is different. So we'll start out with Pillow Profits.
It's at the top. And we are going to now add a product to our Shopify store. All right, so we've logged in the app, and at the top here we're going to hit Add Products. Now, once we do this, we need to select what product it is that we want to start selling. Now, we have a lot of options. We have pillows or pillow covers.
We have tote bags, leather handbags, so on and so forth. So you need to make sure that whatever image it is that you're putting on a product fits on that product and looks good on that product. So some images may look great on a pillow but look terrible on this canvas leather saddle bag or this low top shoe. So you kind of have to design-- when you have your designer do images for you, you need to have them design them in specific ways if you have a product in mind that you really want to promote.
So let's start out with pillows because there's fun-- they're simple, they're cheap, and have great profit margins. When we start creating a pillow on Pillow Profits, it's very simple. One thing that I love about this is that it allows me to create four different variants. So I don't want to just sell one pillow. Typically, if somebody comes to my store to purchase a pillow, they're going to buy two to four.
Because if you think about it, you'll put these on your couch or your bed or something. And nobody has just one pillow on their bed or one pillow on their couch. They'll do a pillow for each side, or they'll do like a little bundle. So what we're going to do is we're just going to, step one, name a variant. So we're just going to say this is going to be a pit bull pillow. I have a design I just made, just sample designs of pit bull.
Let's say, white. All right, now I can take my images. These are images saved on my computer, and all I have to do is drag and drop them. This is so cool. See this image here? I'm dragging and dropping it from a folder, and it's going to upload it immediately to this pillow. Check it out. All right, and there you have it. Short and sweet. So we've got a beautiful looking pillow here.
Now, in the dog niche, I could be like, "My German Shepherd," "My Yorkie," "My Pomeranian Stole My Heart." So there's a lot of scalability to this. I just wanted to point that out there. If I were teaching my students right now that have gone through my course and everything, I would be saying, hey, if this pops off, there's a ton of scalability right here. And that's why I love these types of niches.
OK, so anyways, we got Pit bull white. Now, like I said, people are going to buy multiple pillows. People don't just buy one pillow. They're going to buy two, three, or four. So what we do is we get our graphic designer to do multiple colors options of different things. So here we have a black image. So let's go ahead and enter this in and say Pit bull Black. So now people can get a white pillow and a black pillow.
They might like one. They might like the other. They might like both. And you can play with the image sizes and everything, and you can make it bigger, smaller, whatever you want to do. So you talk to your designer about that. Now, we also put in here Pit bull, let's say, Blue, and I have the same design but I have it with a blue background. And really, what I want people to do is buy all four, so they have all four colors.
So here's Pit bull with a blue background. And when we produce these, the quality of the images will be much higher as well. All right, so these are just like drag and drop marks at the moment, and you'll see here it tells you exactly what size images you need to put on here for them to work. And they've got all sorts of little files for you. OK, now the final one will be the pink pillow. So let's go ahead and drag and drop that file over here.
So we'll put Pit bull Pink. Now we have the pink pillow. So as you can see here now, we have four different colors. And all I did was drag and drop an image that my designer made, and now we hit Review and publish designs. So at this point, now we have to take a look at what we want to put as our description and our title. So our product title-- this is what people are going to see on our Shopify store-- might say, let's just say, "Pit Bull Stole My Heart- Pillows." All right.
And then you can put your description here, and you could say like, "Not sold in stores. Get a massive discount on these super cute My Pit bull Stole My Heart pillow covers." OK, and then you might say, "If you are a pit bull owner, this is for you." All right.
Now, you can choose what collection you put these in in your Shopify store. So if you have a pillow collection or pit bull collection or a niche collection, whatever, you can do that in here. And then you can also put your selling price. So these pillows are $5 per pillow cover, out the door shipped anywhere in the world from this specific vendor. So what I typically would do is I would price these at like $12.95 up to $15 per pillow cover because they're exclusive.
They're not sold in stores. They're custom-printed. So when I'm teaching my students, I'm telling them, hey, don't undercut yourself. You can always go down on the price, but you can never go up. So if these are like $7 per pillow on your store, and tomorrow you double the price, people are going to be like, what the heck is going on. But if you start at a higher price, you can tweak it and work your way down until you find the sweet spot for your customers.
And I think $12.95 is a solid price for these pillow covers. All right, so we're going to publish products. And, of course, now, we are actually preparing the product, adding it to the Shopify store. Pillow Profits is doing everything. Once this is live, people can go buy it on my store. And as soon as they make the purchase, Pillow Profits fulfillment, their app will see the order. They'll start printing on it.
The pillow covers, they'll ship it to the customer. Everything is done for me after this. So here it is in our store. Looks really good. And we can actually view it on our store, and there we go. So let me zoom in real fast. So you got our logo at the top. You've got these pillows. Look at how high quality these look. I mean, these are just amazing. People can come to the drop-down menu.
They can choose what color they want. Pillow Profits created the product. They're going to fulfill the product. All that good stuff for us. Now we're selling pillows, and I could do every dog breed if I wanted to. Jumping back over here to the app, let's go back in the Pillow Profits. I want to show you just another thing that they do that's pretty cool. We're going to do one more product in here because I think it's important that you see there's a difference between doing a pillow and then something a bit more advanced that has curves and stuff.
So down here we have the faux fur boots. These have been a really big hit. We've been able to sell these for around $100 a pair. I believe it is $90 to $100. The cost out the door is 41 bucks. I just want to show you the difference in how these work. So when you first start creating a pair of these boots, I've got some different-- let me see here.
I've got some different images I can put on here so we don't just keep looking at the same image over and over and over again. OK, I found some. All right, so what we're able to do is we're able to take really cool patterns and stuff like that and drag and drop them over here. So let's just drag, and then we've got to do the left one as well or the right one. Because you can put a different image on each boot if you want to.
And you'll see here in just a second, these are more complex images so they take a little bit longer to load. Over here to the left-hand side, it tells you exactly what size your image needs to be. So when you're doing print-on-demand, you got to make sure that the images that you're using are a high-enough quality image. So that's always going to be-- in any print-on-demand out there, they should be telling you what size image to be using.
So now we've created these dog bones boots. So what we could do is say, "Bones - faux fur boots." All right, now what we can do is go ahead and hit Review and publish designs. And so now we're going to repeat the same thing, but this is just to show you how quick you can do it. So we can do "Bones - faux fur boots." Product description, "OMG! These boots are flying off the shelves. Not sold in stores.
Get a massive discount right now." And you would want to write a little bit more on there, but I'm just trying to be fast. So I would try to sell these at at least $89.99 if not $99.99 because they're very nice. All right, so publish product. So we're going to go ahead, and we're going to hit Publish. Now, once again, Pillow Profits is doing-- this is what's so amazing about print-on-demand apps, and this is what I've told all of my students.
I've had students from all over the world learn dropshipping from me, and there's all sorts of different ways you could dropship. And this is why I've told my students that I love print-on-demand because you can be custom, you can be unique, you can build a solid brand. And there's these cool apps, like the ones I'm showing you here in this module, that within a couple of minutes, now you're selling customized boots. I mean, it's crazy.
And you got 100% markup on these bad boys. All right, so that is Pillow Profits. Now let's jump back over here, and let's make a product in Printful. Because Printful has different types of products, and you really want to be using multiple apps to give your customers are really good selection. So we're going to hit Add product. We're going to create a new product in here.
Now, they've got shirts, hats, mugs. They've got tote bags, leggings, dresses. I mean, they've got some really cool stuff too. So let's do a coffee mug. All right, now they've got two different options of coffee mugs, and one of them's made in the US and the other one is apparently not. So I like to go with the ones that give me a better chance of success. And then in the future, if I want to scale to the maybe premium products that have less of a profit margin on them, I can do that.
But goal number one is to make money. So let's choose the white glossy mug. It's $8.95. That's the cost of the product. Now, you can see that Printful's widget looks a little bit different, so it's going to be a little bit different than the last app I showed you. So what we're going to do now is we are going to jump over here and grab a new file. Let's just grab that heart, that pit bull heart that I used earlier.
Let's see here. OK, so I'm going to drag and drop this. And this is the image file that said, "My Pit bull Stole My Heart." And you'll see here that it's going to ask me where I want my image placed. Do I want it in the center of the mug? Do I want it to show on a specific side of the mug, like the left side or the right side?
So you can move it around. And with coffee mugs, sometimes you have to try one or two times to get it to the right side-- do you want it on the left side or the right side of the mug. And they even tell you if your print quality's good, excellent, whatever it is. All right, so we've got this here. Let's then proceed to mock-ups. Now we can choose which side of the mug we want to be-- showing the left handle, the right handle, so on and so forth.
We can have them all. Let's get rid of the front view. That's not necessary. All right, and proceed. Oh, another thing I like is they will produce the mock-up on your store in a JPG, which will help your store load faster and still high quality, or PNGs. They give you that option, which I think is pretty cool. All right, so then we'll just do "Pit bull Heart Mug." All right, and "pit bull," I believe, is actually two different words.
And then they fulfill-- they put in a description for you, so I think that's pretty cool. "Whether your drinking your morning coffee your evening tea," and so on and so forth. So you can add your own custom spin to this. Proceed to pricing. Now they're going to tell you that the 11 to 15-ounce mug is $8.95 to $11.95. They suggest that you sell it for $15 to $20. And so they tell you your profit margins after each one, so that's pretty nice.
Now we can submit this to store if we're happy with the pricing. We can charge more if we want to. They auto-fulfill what they suggest. All right, Submit the store. You'll see that it is building the pit bull heart mug, so it takes it a second. And it's doing what the other app did. It's building it. It's publishing it to our store. So literally in less than five minutes, you can have products. Like it doesn't take long before you've got an entire store full of products.
So let's go to edit this product on your store. And you'll notice here that the image-- we can just make that our image. It's not perfectly placed, so we might want to go back and edit it. But let's preview this so I can just show you what's happening here. So here it is on our store. It shows the different angles and everything.
So we've got it right here, and you can edit these images if you like to lead on-- like there's no reason to show that view or that view. You might just want to show this view and this view because this is like one side and the other side at a slight angle. So now we've got a coffee mug for sale. And Printful is going to automatically get these orders. They're going to process these orders. They're going to ship these orders for us, and they're just an amazing app.
Once again, they make it very easy to come in and start selling mugs, hats, leggings, which are popular, socks, and you can take this image and pretty much put it on everything. So coffee mugs, once again, they're a little bit tricky because it's a rounded item, and you've got to make sure that you place the image in just the right spot.
Other ones aren't as tricky, I guess you could say. All right, so once you have your products added from Printful, you can always come in here and you can edit those products. You can view them on Shopify. You can see all the products that are on your store that aren't synced in Printful. Obviously, you're not going to sync these two, but they catch every product in the store, which is I don't think necessary but they do it.
All right, so that's Printful. Phenomenal company and you're going to want to come in here. And with this app, I think leggings are going to be a big hit. Hats are going to be a big hit. And I really think it's cool that you could do dresses and skirts. I think these four items make Printful quite unique. And that's why I like them. All right, now let's jump over to teelaunch-- another app that I really enjoy using.
And we can add products in here as well by hitting New Product at the top. And for this, maybe we'll just do a good old-fashioned basic T-shirt. So let's grab this American Apparel men's T-shirts , $14 out the door. Well, no. They have shipping on it so I shouldn't say out the door. It's $14 product cost, and shipping is $4 extra. Now, T-shirts, you can pull $25 to $30 a pop on T-shirts.
American Apparel is a very nice brand, so you could probably pull $30 for a shirt like this. Additionally, teelaunch has other options that are cheaper. I just selected the first one. So it's cool because you can do different color shirts if you want to. It's very neat. You can do multiple variants. So what we're going to do is we're just going to grab our artwork, and they want it to be a PNG.
All right, so they'll tell you exactly what you need over here. So let's grab our artwork, and we are uploading this pit bull heart image, and here it is on the shirt. Now, think about this. Because you might not want it to be like really big, so what if you just put this over the chest, like right here. So "My Pit Bull Stole My Heart." See, with a T-shirt, you can move this around and you can put it anywhere you want to.
And I think this is a really great spot because a lot of T-shirts have it right here on the chest. And that makes sense because it's got the heart too. Now, of course, we can do it in different colors. We can have it published in blues and grays-- we can have it published in any color we want-- and white, and we can do it in navy, whatever. We can make sure that we have it in smalls, in mediums, larges, all the way to 3XL.
And once this is done, we do the same old thing we go through. And we publish it and it hits our store, and we are done. So what we're going to do is we're going to go ahead. We are going to review and publish designs, and it's going to ask us to do the same old stuff. So we're just going to say, pit bull-- let's say, "Pit Bull Stole My Heart - Shirt." And they'll go ahead and they'll put in a semi-description already for you.
But you would come in here and say, "OMG! These pit bull shirts are so cute." And then you could say something like, "On sale now," and then "Not sold in stores." And you can play around with this, and you can give it more information like item info. And then you can put your selling price at American Apparel.
I'd put $29.99 for the T-shirt. And then, of course, hit Publish to your store. And ultimately, you're going to have to sell the product for whatever people are willing to pay for it. So you have to test around with the price. But you see how it's adding all the sizes, all the colors. It's just so cool. T-shirts are great sellers. I got started in print-on-demand selling T-shirts.
So the very first print-on-demand item I ever sold was a t-shirt, and I ended up getting hooked. And I sold so many of them. I taught my students how to sell T-shirts, and I taught them how to sell pillow covers, and I taught them how to sell shoes. And it's just been a growing experience where we've evolved from something simple to selling like really crazy, high ticket, print-on-demand items.
And people absolutely love it. Like our customers come in and they just stock up on everything. The thing is if they like the pillows that we made on Pillow Profits, let's say My Pit Bull Stole My Heart, and then they see the coffee mug, they're like, oh, my gosh, I've got to have the coffee mug too. And then they see the T-shirt, and they go, I might as well get the T-shirt. And you'll find that some customers will like a graphic so much that they will come in and they will buy like five different items with the same thing.
I bet right now some of you that are watching this have done something similar. I know I do. If I really like something, I buy it in every color. I have coffee mugs and t-shirts and stuff myself. So now we can view the product. Now it is finished. It is on our Shopify store. You'll see that all of the colors are here. All of the variance and the sizes are in here. It's crazy.
It's all done for me. That's why teelaunch is so great. We can view it on our store, and now people can quickly choose what color T-shirt they want. And they can come in here, and they can choose what size they want. And they can checkout, and they can buy this. And they can also go get those other items. And each one of these Shopify print-on-demand apps will automatically fulfill everything for you.
You've just gotta build them, put the graphics on them, and do the marketing. And they'll do the shipping and the processing and all that stuff for you. It's just an amazing opportunity. I'm so glad that you're here and you're watching this course and you're watching these videos because this is one of those opportunities for newbies, and even advanced marketers and e-commerce store owners, to get started with little risk.
I mean, we're not stocking anything here. It didn't cost me anything to put this T-shirt up for sale. I only stand to gain from this if somebody makes a purchase. The fulfillment company prints it. They ship it. I never see it. I never touch it. All I know is I mark it up, I get paid, and they do all of the, I would say, hard work, which is the fulfillment. So that being said, I hope you enjoyed this video.
This has been a video on the three top recommended print-on-demand apps-- Pillow Profits, Printful, and teelaunch. I gave you a couple of examples. I hope that you learned a lot. I hope you go download these apps-- or not download them but one-click install them on your Shopify store-- and you get started selling some print-on-demand stuff.