[MUSIC PLAYING] ADRIAN MORRISON: All right. If you're on this video, it is time to choose a custom theme. And I've always told my students on Shopify it is so simple to get a great theme up and running to where it looks like you've had this mega professional website built. And literally, they just give you free themes. There are themes that costs money. But I personally use the free theme.
So that being said, if you come over here to the left hand side of the menu and you click on Online Store, you'll see a sub menu and it says Themes. It sometimes will automatically open that up. And it'll tell you that you have the option to change your theme and customize it or you can browse some free themes. Or you can go and you can buy some themes because lots of people create very nice themes that they sell that you can one click and install on your Shopify store.
So ultimately, that's up to you. Right now, as things stand, this is what we have right here. So this is the actual shop. Out of the gate, as soon as you open up your Shopify store it, is a clean slate right here. So what we want to do is we want to come in and we want to put our little sizzle on it. We want to make sure that it's the color we want.
We want to make sure that we have the logo that we want, the navigation menu that we want. We're displaying any products that we want. It's all very, very simple when you're using the Shopify platform. So what I'm going to do first is I'm going to come down, scroll down a little bit. And there is this button that says Free Themes. You want to go ahead and click that button that says Explore Free Themes.
Now it's going to load the free themes that they've made available to you. And all of my students come to me and ask me, Adrian, what theme do you use because we want to make sure that we're copying or we're duplicating or mimicking something that's already been massively successful. So I usually-- I've used a couple of different themes in here. But the one that I seem to like the best is the Supply theme.
Now ultimately, you got to choose which one you think is best for you. But I like this one right here. It's called the Supply theme. So let's go ahead and let's click on that. And when we click it, it's going to give us all the feature list. They got built-in large catalogs, collection sidebar, a slideshow image. So if you have sales or special deals going on, that's in there.
And then, of course, there's two different styles included. There's the light style, which we're looking at now. And then, there is this blue style. So you'll be able to go in and change these colors. It's not a big deal. But I usually just go right here with the basic light style. It has served me well, and it's completely free. So getting started, you can't beat that. So I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to click on Add Supply theme.
Now what's happening here is Shopify is adding that theme to my account. Literally one click, boom. And I have that theme on my account so very, very cool. Now when I scroll down, you'll see that it says more themes, theme name. And then right here, we have the Supply theme. So let me just go back. I want to do this again because I like to repeat myself when I'm teaching my students.
Because I believe the more you hear it, the more likely it is to sink in. Repetition is key to learning. So right now, this is what we have. We have thebarkshop. We have this basic theme that Shopify gives you out of the gate. And what we are going to do now is we are going to change the theme to the Supply theme, this one that we just said we would rather use. And all we have to do is come over here and click on Actions.
Do you see that? And then we are going to publish this theme. Now when we publish a theme, it means that it actually goes live. Like online, this is what our store is going to look like. It's going to use this theme. What's important to take note of here is that you can have 10 different themes on your store or more.
And you can kind of interchange and switch them out throughout the year, if you would like to, by publishing one at a time. So I'm going to hit Publish. And it's going to say are you sure you want to publish the Supply theme. Now the reason it would ask that is generally, when you choose a new theme, you want to go in and customize it first before you publish it. But we have a new store and there's nothing on it, so it's all good.
We're going to hit Publish. It takes it a couple of seconds here and boom. Now, you're going to notice this preview up here now says supply and we have a different looking theme. Now, check this out. When I come over here to the live store and I click Refresh, everything looks different. So we have a different looking store now. We've got this colored bar. I really like this navigation bar at the top because we can customize this to have our color of our brand on it.
And it's just very simple, clean, and it converts. So now what we want to do is we want to go in and we want to explore the customization process of the Shopify theme. And listen, I am not a technical person. I am not good at building websites. I am not an engineer. I'm not a programmer. I don't know HTML I'm just a really good marketer.
So I was able to go in and do this myself and get through it with zero experience. And that's another reason I always tell my students I absolutely love Shopify. It's because I could come in and design an amazing looking, high converting store using their free theme and their simple drag and drop, click here, click there tools with zero technical know-how of coding and HTML and all that stuff.
So now that we've clicked the Customize button, we now have full control to make this our own. So we could go in and we can change the header. We could change the slide show right here. That's this big piece. This is a big, old banner right here. We have featured collections. So if you have featured sweatshirts or you have featured pillows or t-shirts or whatever it may be. You can feature those on your home page.
You also can edit your slideshow. And then you can add some text down here at the bottom to tell a little bit about your store. Now what we're going to do is we are going to make this bad boy look completely different than what you see right now. You also have general settings. Now see up here, you have Sections and General Settings. Sections and General Settings.
In the General Settings, you're able to start customizing the colors of your store, the fonts that are being used, what your favicon is. That's the little logo that shows up in the tabs on Google Chrome or Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer. You can customize your shopping cart process, social media, pricing format, and the checkout process. It's all here.
So let's start out first by choosing the colors. I'm going to be honest. I'm not fond of this like-- I don't know what color this is so I change it. I love blues and I like greens. So I'm going to come up here to Primary Content, and they've got a great little color picker right here. And I can just start choosing my own color. So our shop that we're customizing right now is called thebarkshop.
I'm going to come over here and I'm going to choose a nice color for it. So let's just choose this like greenish color. And now our primary content, which is our text, links, primary buttons, it's going to be a bluish color. So that's going to be down here. You could see everything now is this bluish, teal-ish color right here. So I like that because it really sticks out.
And we're going to match this navigation menu up here with that as well. Our accents, our cart quantity, body background, all that stuff is customizable-- our review star colors. Now down here is where we start playing around with the header. So we've got our background, our text links, our cart button, and our main menu background.
So let's go ahead and change the main menu background. So I told you I wanted to match it to this color right here. I just think it looks good. So I'm going to come back up here to our color picker. And see this little code here? I'm just going to copy that. So you can right click and copy. Now, we're going to come down here to Main Menu, and I'm going to paste it. Boom, just like that.
Now if I come up here, now I've got this setup ready to go. It's the color I want it to be. And it looks good. It sticks out much more. And then you can choose stuff for your footer, as well. You could change all of that good stuff down here. But I usually just leave that be in terms of what color the footer is and the text is.
It's not that big of a deal. The main things I like to pay attention to are the links, so people can see that these are clickable, and of course, my header. So I'm going to go ahead and hit Save. And now we've saved our changes. Now, I'm going to be able to scroll backward and we can go over typography. Now in typography, we can choose what font we want to use. So by default, it's Roboto or Roboto.
I don't know how it's pronounced. But we could just click on anything, and we can change these fonts. Now I'm not going to do this too much because I think it's pretty basic. You could change the size of the fonts, the navigation menu button styles. All of that is stuff that you could change. You can capitalize buttons. You can make them lowercase, whatever you want. So that being said-- oh by the way, look up here at the top right.
See where it says Cart? So it's in caps. If you don't want it all in caps then, you click this button and it's not. But I would leave it in caps. So this all looks good. There's not much to do right there. Your favicon, you just drag and drop an image that you would like. And that image is going to display on the tabs in someone's browser. So if you have a logo or something, you can put that there.
Your shopping cart also-- you have a couple of options. You have a drawer and you have a modal, and you've got a page. So everyone has a different preference. I personally use a modal window that's like a little pop up that comes up when they click Add to Cart. And you'll see that later on once we actually get products on here. Right now, we're just kind of going through and we're messing with the basic settings.
You got your social media. So if you have social media accounts, all you have to do is type them in right here where it says Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Google Plus, Instagram. If you don't have those set up yet, it's totally fine. You can come back and do this later. But I do want to show you kind of how it works. So I'll just make something up. So you could come over here to Facebook. And they give you the example of what you're looking for, what they're looking for here.
So you type in your web address to your Facebook account. Don't put Shopify's in there, anything like that. And they're going to make sure that on your website, on your store, it's going to link to your Facebook page everywhere possible. And you could do Pinterest and Google and Instagram, so on and so forth. So you just want to go fill in the ones that make sense for you. And of course, then you would want to add those with your-- not with Shopify but with your actual social media, and then click Save.
So once this is done, everywhere on your theme where it shares social media, it will put those links for you. So it's very nice that that's built in because when you get followers on social media, it's going to help your branding. Pricing Format, I just leave that alone. And then Check Out, you can go in and you can add a custom logo to your checkout process. That's when people actually start putting in their credit card number and their information.
So when we get a logo, we will come and we will put our logo in. So as people are checking out, they see our logo. And that always works out very nicely. Coming down over here, let's go back to Sections. And once we come over here to Sections, you can kind of drag and drop this stuff and you can reorder it.
You see how I'm dragging and dropping this? And Shopify is basically zooming out and then showing me where I'm placing it. You don't have to use all of this stuff right here. So for instance, you might not have a slideshow as soon as you open up your store. You might not have some massive banner for a sale or anything like that.
That's totally fine. If you don't, you just click on Slideshow, and you can delete the section. Otherwise, you can add in multiple images. And you can upload those images, and it will slide through like a carousel like this. And it'll display all of your top deals and all of your options. So in the future, once you have a bunch of stuff on sale, you may want to come back here and add in the slideshow.
But for now, we're going to delete that section. And you'll see now, it is gone. There is no slideshow. What we have is our featured items right here. So our featured items, and we have our featured collections down here. So you've got your collections. This could be our dog lover t-shirts. This could be our dog lover sweaters.
This could be our dog lover pillow covers. Yes, pillow covers. You'll see that pretty soon. It's crazy. The print on demand stuff that you can sell is absolutely nuts. If you're not going to use all of these, you can make your home page very simple, very basic. You can get rid of this stuff. Check this out. All you have to do is hit Delete Section. You can delete this other slideshow.
I love just making mine mega basic and just having a couple of things on the home page. So you'll notice now, we've just got these two big images here, which will kind of be featured products. And then we've got one collection right here. And then, we have our footer down here. And we can, of course, drag and drop, rearrange. We can add sections. So if we want to have another collection list or a featured collection, a slideshow, a video, it all can be added literally by just clicking this button right here.
Then we can go ahead and we can click Save. So what we've done in this video is we've basically gotten rid of a lot of the stuff that we're not going to use to make a very simple, basic looking home page. And we can come back and edit this later if we please. The second thing we did is we changed up the main primary colors of our header, our navigation bar, and then all of our links.
Now we're going to come back to this. And as we add products to the store, you're going to see that this is going to turn into a beautiful shop that looks very professional. And if somebody lands on this store, they would have absolutely zero clue that I'm just some guy at my house that built this with a couple of clicks. It's going to look like it is a big brand. That's what's so cool about their platform.
The Shopify platform makes it very simple. So these are the basics of setting up your theme. And we've got to come back once we have products at the store. And we're going to have to tweak this a little bit. So this is the basics. I hope you enjoyed this video. It's very simple. Go ahead, click around, set up your own theme, choose your colors, choose your layout, and get ready to go to the next video because we're going to be building our logo.
I'm going to show you a free way to build on your logo. We've also recommended some resources. And we're going to add that to our store, and you're going to see it come up here and replace this text that says thebarkshop. So once again, it's Adrian Morrison. Go ahead, and I will see you on the next video. [MUSIC PLAYING]