NIMI KULAR: So let's start by clicking on Orders. Now you're on the All orders page. Click on the order number to open up the order details and start fulfillment. In the order details, you'll see the line items, taxes, discounts, and the total amount paid by the customer. If you ever need to refund an order, click Refund and add the number of items you want to refund for each line.
And you can also edit the dollar amount as well as choose whether you want to send the customer a notification. Customer details show up on the right including the name, address, and email of the customer. If you scroll down a little bit, you'll see this area right here called Conversion Summary. This tells you about the customer's previous visits and conversion behavior leading up to their purchase.
This is a test order that I've added to my admin here, so there's no conversion information available. But for real orders, this is a super helpful way of understanding what led a customer to purchase from you. The timeline of the order allows you to see detailed order activity history and make comments and notes for your records or better communication between your staff.
So to start fulfilling this order, all you have to do is click on this button here, Start fulfilling. In a previous lesson, I showed you guys how to set up Shopify shipping. Since it's already been set up on my account, I have the option here to print the shipping labels directly from this page. If you don't need to print a label-- let's say, the customer picked up the order directly from you or you printed the label somewhere else-- just click on Mark as fulfilled and you'll have the option of adding in the tracking information for the package if you have it.
Since I need to print the shipping label for this order, I'm going to choose the first option, which is Create shipping label and fulfill items. Once I click on that, you'll see here that I can choose the type of package that's being used. In a previous lesson, I set up a default package with the size of my most popular box, so that's what I've chosen here, box number 1. You can add in the total weight of the package including the box and everything.
It's a really good idea to invest in a scale so that you can weigh your packages and you know actually how much they're going to weigh. So once I add in the box and the weight details, you'll see below that I have various shipping options available, and I can see their prices. So you just choose the preferred method that you'd like to go with and then just click on Buy shipping label.
And now you're ready to ship. So you can print this label, attach it to the box, and you're ready to go. Depending on the carrier you choose to ship with it, you can sometimes get the company to pick up the packages directly from your home or your office for a small fee, and this can be super helpful if you have lots of packages to send out that day. Make sure you check out the additional information below to learn how to set up notifications for your customers for when their orders have shipped.
This is super important, and customers love to know when their packages are on their way. If you're selling digital products or if you're using a fulfillment service, then you might want a total hands-off order process. In that case, you should setup all of the following; automatic payment capture, automatic order fulfillment, and automatic order archiving.
Click in the link below to learn up how to set this up automatically. When your orders are set up to be fully processed automatically, you will capture payment instantly. Your fulfillment service will be notified, and digital downloads will be made available, and the order will be closed in Shopify. If you'd like to ever cancel a fulfillment, we've included a link below with a step-by-step of how to do that.
If I click on this Orders page to go back to the main page, you can see that this order has been marked as Fulfilled. Next up, we'll talk about marketing for your business so that you can start getting sales, getting your product out there, and profiting from all of your hard work.