How to Create Your “About Us” Page

How to Create Your “About Us” Page

It’s important to have an About Us page on your website, so your potential customers can learn about your business. This is helpful in building trust and a connection to your custom. The way to do this is to create a page. It’s also recommended that you create a Contact Us and an FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page before launching.

Here are a few examples of six and seven figure ‘About Us’ pages:

KnixWear – This ‘About’ is the epitome of simplicity and a call to action. They use the word ‘we’ throughout their copy which shows they understand their customer (as they are also facing the same challenges).

UGMONK – UGMONK let’s their company video lead the way. They also share very visual and compelling content about their company and how they give back. Their call to action is to go deeper into their world by reading blogs or subscribing to their newsletter.

Beardbrand – Beardbrand does an amazing job at being authentic about exactly how the company started and their progress. Their call to action is signing up for Top 10 Beard Tips!

Example of 'Contact Page':

Luxy Hair – Luxy Hair created a transparent, extremely helpful contact page. They let you know their working hours and clearly share the best way to get in touch. They also aim to help lower the questions by sharing their Frequently Asked Questions on the Contact Page.