Would you pay more for a product based on the way it looks? To find out, let's try a simple experiment to uncover the truth. One is a Fiji bottle and the other is a Kirkland bottle. Now, which one would you buy? When you see them side by side, which one would you pay more money for? Some people are going to say, oh, it's just water to me, but I think, in most people's minds, they have a value assigned to these bottles.
And I'm fairly confident that most people would pay more for the Fiji bottle than the Kirkland bottle. Now, let's take these bottles. Just pour them in the glasses. Let's switch it around. Mix it up a little bit. Now, which one would you pay more money for? Sure, you can taste them and spot the difference, yet from a visual standpoint, it's hard to tell which one should be more expensive.
This is all about the value of perception. And this is especially important to understand when selling online, where your customer can't touch it, taste it, smell it before they buy. They can only see it. Online perception is defined by the quality of the design, the quality of your imagery, and the quality of your website. And the truth is, in ecommerce, when your product looks better, you can charge more for it.
So the packaging and design of your product is very important. If you can't convey the value of your product with photography, you're missing out on sales. Let's take a second and think about the photography and design of your product versus a close competitor. Now, let's be really honest. Based on the perception alone, which one would you buy? Your customers are asking this question every time they look at the product on your online store.
So the value of perception is really a mindset that you need to adopt to grow a profitable ecommerce business. Otherwise, you could just put up a basic website and take a cell phone shot of your product and call it a day. It just wouldn't matter, yet since you're in this course, I know that you want your customers to perceive your brand as high quality and worthy of your hard-earned money. Now that you've discovered the value of perception, head to the next lesson, and learn how your brand and photography work hand-in-hand.