[MUSIC PLAYING] So now, it's time to use the photos that you've taken to create a product page that encourages customers to buy. Let's jump right back into the website and create a product. So here we are, let's go straight up to Products. And you can see, we don't have any products yet. We're a brand new site. Let's go ahead and just click Add a product, and this is where we're going to put our black Shopify hat.
And this is also important for SEO. So if somebody is searching for black Shopify hat, that title text is going to come up and it's going to be really important to Google. The description, I'm going to put in something that we've conceived earlier which is the Shopify lifestyle five-panel hat. You can see it here. Now, we're going to upload the images to be created through pixels. I'll go and click Upload images.
These images are on the desktop, you can see our hat photos, they're ready to go. And you can see, they look pretty good. Remember, we shot this on a white background using window light, and it looks really professional. So I'm going to go ahead and choose the front of the hat to start, and then I'm going to add the other image as well, which is the back of the hat.
You see, it adds a little smaller. I'm also going to add some all text to this image. I'm going to call this black Shopify hat again, because those are our primary keywords. Black Shopify hat, we'll add back. Then we're going to go down to pricing and we're going to choose the price for this product.
I'm going to charge it at $12.99, and I'm also going to do a compare price to make it look like it's on sale. We'll say, the original price is $15. I'm going to charge taxes on this product because it's a physical product that I'm selling. I'm going to skip the inventory stuff. For shipping, this is a physical product and we don't have the box quite yet, so we don't quite know the weight.
So we're going to say leave us at zero for now, but we'll come back to this later and we're going to want to figure this out for every product so we can make shipping really easy. For fulfillment service, we have a lot of different options but we're just going to choose manual for now. For variance, if we have different colored hats and this similar style, we can actually add those different colors in, and charge different prices for them or have them show up as different swatches.
But since this is the only black hat that we have, we're going to go ahead and just stick with that. And then at the very bottom, you can see a little search engine preview. This is what's going to show up in Google. So you can see that we got black Shopify hat here, which is the title page which we came up with, the URL of the webpage, and then the description that we came up with. It's good to spend some time to really make this look perfect. So if we scroll back up to the side panel here on the right, we can have a couple different options here.
I want to focus on the collections page. And as we add more hats to our store, we might want to create a collections page to encompass all our hats. The final step is to press Save, and your product will be added to your Shopify store. Congratulations. You've created your first product in your new Shopify store. Thank you for going on this journey with me.
Remember that photography is supposed to be fun, so be creative and adventurous with your photos and your business will always stand out. Best of luck and happy selling. [MUSIC PLAYING]