What lifestyle photos do I need to take for my business?

What lifestyle photos do I need to take for my business?

It’s time to create your plan for your photoshoot! Once you’ve chosen your theme for your Shopify store, you can decide what photographs you’ll need.

In the video you can see how to plan for your photoshoot with a Google Excel document. You can copy this format by using the template in the resources section.


  • Brooklyn Theme for Shopify (free theme)
  • Shopify Theme store (free and paid themes)
  • Shopify Store Shotlist. You can copy this Google Sheet document and create your own shot list. Ensure you change the document for the theme you choose for your Shopify store.
  • Burst: Burst is Shopify’s Free Stock Photography site. You may be able to find photos that you could use on your store (i.e on the Contact Page) that can save you time and money.

If you take the time to plan your shoot now, it will save your time and energy on your shoot day. We highly recommend you take this step before making your plans for your shoot.

👉 After watching the lesson head to the next video to start planning your products on white photos.