What product on white photos do I need to take for my business?

What product on white photos do I need to take for my business?

As you learned in Module 1, white background photography is the gold standard in ecommerce photography. It’s absolutely essential to help you showcase the details of a product and help the customer make the decision to buy.

Watch and learn how to plan your white background photoshoot.


  • Brooklyn Theme for Shopify (free theme)
  • Shopify Theme store (free and paid themes)
  • Shopify Store Shotlist. The second tab has a template for white background photography. You can copy this Google Sheet document and create your own shot list. Ensure you change the document for the theme you choose for your Shopify store.
  • Burst: Burst is Shopify’s Free Stock Photography site. You may be able to find photos that you could use on your store (i.e on the Contact Page) that can save you time and money.

👉You have reached the end of Module 2! Before starting Module 3, be sure to create a detailed plan for your photoshoot to help set realistic expectations for your shoot and keep you organized throughout the shoot.