Find products to sell on Shopify with Oberlo

Never worry about shipping, packaging, or holding inventory

Finding products with Oberlo

How Oberlo works

Oberlo is helping thousands of people like you to find products to sell on Shopify

Find products

Oberlo helps you find and add products directly into your Shopify store that you can start selling right away.

Free of inventory

Oberlo handles your products for you, so you’ll never have to worry about warehousing or keeping inventory in your home.

Free of packaging

When you sell something, just order it on Oberlo and you’ll never have to package or ship the products. Oberlo will do this for you.

Is Oberlo that easy?

Yes. Oberlo can do all of this for you because they are experts in dropshipping, which means they have a network of suppliers who will hold your inventory, package, and ship the products for you.

Order Products with 1 Click

Grow your business with Oberlo

Hundreds of successful Shopify merchants run their stores with Oberlo

Focus on your marketing

You’ll have more time to focus on marketing and building your business because you won’t be shipping or packaging orders.

Extend your product catalog

Add more products to give your customers exactly what they want. If you’re selling shoes, why not sell socks as well?

Add multiple accounts

Oberlo will grow with your business. Add multiple accounts when you start building a team and hiring staff.

Build relationships with suppliers

You’ll be able to communicate directly with suppliers to make sure you’re giving your customers the best experience possible.

Grow your business with Oberlo
Congratulations on your first sale!

How to start a profitable dropshipping store webinar

We take you step-by-step through the process of setting up your first ecommerce business with Shopify and Oberlo.

Reserve your seat now

Dropshipping Guide

The ultimate guide to dropshipping

The first and only complete guide to dropshipping. Covers everything from the basics to advanced techniques.

Read the guide

We’re here to help you along the way

People have changed their lives by selling things they love

Whether you are just starting out or looking for new ways to grow, Oberlo will help you start a profitable dropshipping business on Shopify. Take a peek at our free live webinars or comprehensive guides.

We built a dropshipping store from scratch and made $922 in 3 days

Read the case study

Start your first ecommerce business in one week

Read the case study

Ready to get started?

Oberlo is completely free to use with Shopify